Find The Hidden Path to Healing!
Unmask the myths of Modern Medicine & Learn to Reconnect with the Truth!
If you would like to learn some simple adjustments it takes to realign your lifestyle for improved health and well being, this will be the most important book you’ll ever read. 
Here’s why: 

I am going to reveal the MOST IMPORTANT first steps to take when desiring to take back control of your own health and healing. Some of the most valuable resources will be available to you in this book.

But first let me introduce myself…
My name is Carmen, and when I first got started on my healing journey my health and my mother’s health were headed downhill!

We were both on steroids regularly for unrelenting autoimmune diseases. My mother struggled with her mental health, weight struggles, diabetes, and a long list of other complications that stemmed from the medications she was given to manage each diagnosis she was given. We weren't told that the medications we were prescribed would eventually create more problems for us. I just wanted us to feel better! I was tired of listening to doctors say that this was the only way and that managing illness and disease were just something we would have to learn to live with. 

Something inside me knew there had to be a better way, but I had no idea where to begin!

My mom was nearly 200#, diabetic, on almost a dozen pharmaceuticals, and experiencing severe side effects that doctors would only continue to prescribe more meds for!

I was still struggling with eczema and was fed up with being told steroids were the only answer. (Here's my allergy patch testing.)

I began researching for myself but along the way I was given a lot of unreliable and unhelpful information. There was so much to sort through! That is when I decided to begin the journey back to the beginning, learning how we were originally designed to live and to interact with the world around us, and I began to evaluate my own level of commitment to living according to this Divinely-designed approach to health and healing.

I completed a rigorous Master Herbalist training program. I have dedicated my life to continuing my self-study of natural health and healing and now I have a private practice as a Clinical Herbalist where I help others embrace their health and lead them to their own unique healing journeys! I have implemented many things I have learned along the way to improve my health and the health of my family and clients. When I started this journey, I didn’t realize what a dramatic impact aligning our lives in this way would have on health and healing - until things really began to improve!

Mom learned how to use 
herbs to heal her body.

She lost 80 pounds and 
weaned off of pharmaceuticals!

Before I continue to tell you what did it for us, let me first warn you… 

…The knowledge shared in this book has allowed me, my family and clients to reach a level of health that most never experience, but it doesn’t happen overnight.

The truth is, everyone is unique and their journey to health and healing is unique to them. I cannot predict how long any one person’s healing will take them.

Achieving health and healing requires commitment and consistency in taking the necessary steps in the direction toward health.

If you are not ready to accept that responsibility, then this book and this path is not for you.

With that said, let me show you what I have for you.

First, let me say this is not a typical "get healthy" book.

Our time is precious and a gift not to be wasted. I don’t sugar-coat anything. I share only valid and time-tested truths.

And it is MORE than just a guide. 

This book will take you back in time to understand the history and origins of modern medicine but not in a boring, put-you-to-sleep fashion. I share how it manipulates the time-tested, traditional medicine that was originally designed for our health and healing. I outline for you a step-by-step plan to truly break free from this broken system so you can embrace your healing journey according to the truth of how we were created! 

Exactly what you are getting…
  • ​ Learn HOW the separation of science and spirituality led to Western Medicine as we know it today
  • ​​ The ONE thing that will change your view on illnesses and diseases
  • ​​ What you WON'T ever be told when it comes to the pains, discomforts and symptoms you experience
  • ​​ The ULTIMATE way to support imbalances and dysfunctions of your body WITHOUT needing medications

The EXACT blueprint you need 
to restore your health

  • ​ The TRUE meaning behind detoxing and HOW you can support this natural process today
  • ​​ The ONE hack to cleanse the body WITHOUT the unnecessary extreme purge
  • ​​ The MOST IMPORTANT tools you need to create a SUSTAINABLE path forward
  • ​​ The most POWERFUL & EFFECTIVE herbs you need today to help you purify and balance your system
  • ​A FAST TRACK METHOD to gain TRUST in your ability to HEAL yourself
  • ​The CRITICAL swaps to ELIMINATE toxins from your home

...and much more

Health is multifaceted! 

We are each unique, Divinely designed individuals and the approach to our health & healing should reflect that! I share even more about this in my book!!

In other words, the knowledge shared in this book will get you started on your personalized journey toward taking control of your own health so you can experience improved vitality...and FAST (...without feeling overwhelmed by having to seek out and dig through multiple sources.)


Included in this eBook, you are getting a POWERFUL & FREE Bonus
that you can start using right away on your healing journey!

Detox has become a buzzword in the natural healing marketplace and has become very misunderstood. I will teach you EXACTLY what supporting your body in its efforts to cleanse looks like.

This guide takes out the FEAR most people feel about detoxing!

These are the exact methods I use and teach in my clinical practice. It helps to understand that detoxification is a natural function the body is performing ALL DAY, EVERY SINGLE DAY, and YOU HAVE THE POWER to assist its efforts for OPTIMAL HEALTH & HEALING without experiencing discomfort!

PLUS I share a few simple swaps for the most common toxic exposures!! It is true, in this current day and age there are a lot of toxins that we cannot avoid. This guide will GIVE YOU HOPE and EMPOWER you to change the things you can.

And there is NO CHARGE for it!

My desire is for you to have it as a gift for taking the time to look over my eBook.
So the real question is...
Is it worth a small investment to check it out? 
What if you only experience HALF of the improved health you are hoping for by following the simple steps I lay out for you? What if it pays for itself (even hundreds of times) in the time & energy you could spend trying to figure it all out on your own, going from one solution to another - books, healthcare providers, coaches, medications, supplements, etc. What if improved digestion, pain relief, improved sleep, etc., were just a few simple steps away? 

If you’re ready, just click on the “YES! Send me the book!”
Here are a few things you will find in this special bonus!
  • No more feeling hopeless and not knowing where to start because I am giving you a downloadable tracker that will help you take those first steps!
  • ​Simple swaps to make to your nutrition and lifestyle to create big impacts toward health!
  • ​What herbs to use to assist the body in its efforts toward health!
Here’s what to do next…
Simply click on any of the buttons on this page to complete your order and you’ll receive the book download instantly right to your email inbox.

You can access your book anytime, anywhere, without having to wait for any packages.

Oh, and in case you’re wondering…
There is no catch!

If you are thinking “wait, why is this so cheap” or “I just don’t have the time right now.”

Whatever might be holding you back from getting to where you want to be, what I want you to know is this:


With that being said, there is ONE more thing to keep in mind...

Time is of the essence!
Here’s why:

I actually lose money when selling the book at this price. It costs me, on average over $10 in advertising costs to sell one book.

So why would I do that?

Simple! I watched the medical system fail so many people I love and care about and I want to help as many people as possible avoid the pain and disappointment that my mother and I have experienced. 

If you love it, maybe you will want to learn more from me and also refer those you care about my way. 

Pretty straight forward really.

Anyway, with that said, this is a limited time offer.

This is honestly a limited time offer that won’t last, so claim your copy now!

Love it or get a 100% refund.

I 100% guarantee you will love this book or I will return your $7 and you can keep the book anyway!

That's right. You don't even have to send anything back. Simply send us an email and we will send your money back!

Sound fair?

You have nothing to lose, but everything to gain!

But again...


P.S. Incase you’re like me who skips to the end of the page here’s the details:

I am giving you my BRAND NEW BOOK "The Hidden Path to Healing" that covers simple, holistic methods to improve your health and wellbeing.

All you pay is $7,

PLUS you get the EXCLUSIVE bonus that highlights Detox Done Right and a downloadable tracker to get you started right.

  • No more feeling hopeless and not knowing where to start because I am giving you a downloadable tracker that will help you take those first steps!
  • ​Simple swaps to your nutrition and lifestyle for big impacts toward improved energy and vitality!
  • What herbs assist the body in its efforts toward health!
This is a limited time offer, there is no catch.

In fact, I 100% got you! What that means is that if you don’t love this book, I will give you your $7 back and you can still keep the book.

But as I said, this is a limited time offer!
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